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The Result: Out of This World

A glorious, almost Mandelbrot-like complexity is simply striking in this "Glitter" photograph (our favorite):

Unusual, over-saturated colors show up inside crystal clear waves, reflecting kaleidoscopic world around them:

There is also a place for pure abstraction, even psychedelic touches:

This image is titled "The Twelve Disciples" - see if you can spot some faces inside that wave, too:

Here is perhaps his most famous image: the wave's "mohawk", an amazingly colorful splash, featured recently inside National Geographic magazine:

Another singular splash:

Inside the belly of the beast: "The Twister" photograph shows what a violent wave is made of -

Even in the absence of killer monster waves, the shorebreak art can look slightly alien... Here is the little "Frosty" guy:

(all images copyright Clark Little)


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