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Inside a Wave: Epic Photography by Clark Little

 Monster Waves... Tricky Lighting... Astounding risk... Timeless Photographs.

"The Shorebreak Art of Clark Little" is nothing short of epic. Getting inside, over and under 30-40 foot waves is no small feat, especially with bulky camera equipment, and a goal of finding that perfect angle and lighting condition that makes a perfect shot.
(all images copyright Clark Little, used with permission)

Clark Little is pretty well known today as the foremost shorebreak art photographer (his art has been seen on "Good Morning America", and featured in a number of glossy magazines all over the world). But as much as we like the fantastic shots of various wave' innards, we are even more impressed to see him pitched against dangerous, massive amounts of water - violent waves, where you only have a moment to make that shot and to get out of the harm's way.

With exclusive permission of Clark Little Photography we publish today the rarely-seen photographs of Clark Little heading with his camera into...

Into the Vortex!

(Clark with his camera "inside" and "under" the waves)

Encounter with a Wave (almost alien-like in intensity, if you ask me):


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